Ohio2006 Blog

News, analysis, and comments on Ohio elections.

Thursday, September 28

Statewide Races: News and Notes

Items of interest in Ohio statewide elections:

Secretary of State: Click here for audio of the endorsement interview of Jennifer Brunner (D-Columbus) and Greg Hartmann (R-Cincinnati) by the editorial board and reporters of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, along with a rundown by reporter Mark Naymik. Hartmann joined Brunner in criticizing Blackwell, Brunner emphasized improving the quantity and quality of poll workers.

Brunner will speak at 7:15 pm tomorrow evening at WeCount2006, a conference on election issues to be held tomorrow and Saturday, September 29-30, at Tri-C Metro Campus, 2900 Community College Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115. There are a great host of other interesting speakers, including Bob Fitrakis, Harvey Wasserman, Lee Fisher, and Mark Crispin Miller. Go to the web site for more information.

Auditor: The Columbus Dispatch covers the copyright dispute over the ORP's smear ad against Rep. Barbara Sykes (D-Akron). ORP Chair Bob Bennett still insists that their unauthorized use of video clips of legislative floor debate is legal, even though the broadcaster (the Ohio Channel) was reorganized as a private entity specifically so that it could hold and enforce copyright. A cease and desist letter will be sent today.

Supreme Court: Justice Terrence O'Donnell (R-Rocky River) has backed out of the City Club of Cleveland debate against Appellate Judge William O'Neill (D-South Russell), leaving O'Neill with a televised hour to himself. Hat-tip BSB.

Today's Columbus Dispatch reviews the Supreme Court races here. O'Neill bashes O'Donnell on judicial corruption, former state senator Ben Espy is more reserved. Both Republican candidates downplay party affiliation, Appellate Judge Robert Cupp harps on Espy's lack of judicial experience. Pretty much what you'd expect. The Ohio Chamber of Commerce has endorsed both Republicans but hasn't put up any advertising yet, although it is expected.