DNC Neighbor-to-Neighbor National Organizing Day
Today I attended one of many local canvassing events across the country initiated by the Democratic National Committee, this one at the home of blogger Cindy Zawadzki of HeightsMom. Meena Morey Chandra arrived (with the Chandra triplets) and spoke briefly on behalf of her husband, Attorney General candidate Subodh Chandra (D-Cleveland). Juvenile Judge candidate Joe Young (D-Cleveland) came with his family and spoke, and 9th District State Representative candidate Julian Rogers (D-Cleveland Heights) arrived a little later. (Unfortunately, the only picture I took of Rogers did not come out.) (UPDATE: Okay, I added the picture with Julian Rogers, even though he is a bit blurry.) Cindy deserves a lot of credit for stepping up and hosting this event, which she promoted through her blog.

For the occasion the DNC printed up doorknob hangers, setting forth in six bullet points "the Democratic Vision: a bold new direction for a secure America," to wit:
1 Honest Leadership & Open Government We will end the Republican culture of corruption and restore a government as good as the people it serves.I think the national security one is pretty lame (yeah, truth is important and the Republicans haven't been truthful, but that isn't the only and probably isn't the main point to be made here, folks!), but I'm in no mood to quibble. It is really good to see the party putting out a unified, positive message.
2 Real Security We will protect Americans at home and lead the world by telling the truth to our troops, our citizens and our allies.
3 Energy Independence We will create a cleaner and stronger America by reducing our dependence on foreign oil.
4 Economic Prosperity & Educational Excellence We will create jobs that will stay in America by restoring opportunity and driving innovation.
5 A Healthcare System that Works for Everyone We will join 36 other industrialized nations by making sure that everyone has access to affordable health care.
6 Retirement Security We will ensure that a retirement with dignity is the right and expectation of every single citizen.
I did my canvassing in the precinct where I live and am running for Democratic precinct committee member. It was a beautiful day so quite a few people were outside. Most were very receptive and some wanted to talk at length about the sorry state of government in Ohio and their hopes for a big change in November, which has me feeling very optimistic. There seem to be more yard signs than usual before a primary election.
I am not a republican, not even a RINO, but I am voting on the
Republican ticket tomorrow. Why? There is no really important
Democratic primary race tomorrow. Is there? The only one that
was important was the Hackett/Brown race. Now that is gone.
No, THE most important race in a decade is the Republican primary
race for governor. Okay, all the polls say that Strickland will
walk away with the position in November. What was said about Issue
One two years ago? What happened to it in November?
Would the liberals/Democrats prefer the chance that we get an
ultra-conservative, fake, religious zealot with a horrible fiscal plan
for the state? Or, would you prefer a chance that a moderate
with sound business sense for the state ends up with the position
in November?
Think about it. Vote for Strickland in November. But, vote for Petro in May.
Send the Ohio GOP a message that we won't even entertain the
possibility of Blackwell's stupidity in office.
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